Friday, October 3, 2014

Rushing to Catch Up!

Just finished updating my About Me, Cafe Mom, and Newborn Photography listing.  Finally catching up??

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Getting back into content production

Not me . . . my Hubby! He is been doing some work with Hubpages.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sleep Tips from Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution

Tips that both improve your child’s sleep,  daytime mood and your own sleep and outlook.  For example: # 8 Teach your child how to relax. "Many children get in bed but aren’t sure what to do when they get there!"  Check out all these tips at  And to add one more suggestion of my own - I’ve found the best way to deal with the inevitable “can’t sleep – sleep with you?” is to place a time limit and reinforce the expectation that my child is heading back to their own bed. “Would you like to cuddle for ten minutes” – even though they obviously can’t tell time – seems to greatly reduce the arguments when we head back to their own bed.

Austin Photo Blog

Many dSLR cameras use RGB color space. Before getting a photo printed, it is always a good idea to convert it into CMYK color space so that you may know the exact result you will be getting after it is printed. A color space is a model used by computers to map color, using numbers. All in all, there are two types of color spaces, RGB and CMYK. RGB is also called as additive color space and CMYK is also called as subtractive color space. host

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A green and healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is a great opportunity to make a self examination about your lifestyle and your habits, and it’s also a great time to start leading a healthier life. So, here are few tips that can help you have a green and healthy pregnancy. Remember, dads need to be part of a green pregnancy as well! Also, don’t forget checking out resale shops for baby furniture and accessories. Its not only cheaper, but better for the environment. Just make sure you check for recalls before using any previously-used item.